Validate Date entered by Edittext


Viewed 2,637 times


I have an Edittext with Mask to input a date.
How can I validate whether or not the date exists?

Code of my Edittext

NascimentoUsu = (EditText)findViewById(;
NascimentoUsu.addTextChangedListener(Mask.insert("##/##/####", NascimentoUsu));
  • You want to validate during typing or at the end?

  • I did not think that any of the solutions would be welcome. I would prefer in the end when I order to save.

1 answer


The easiest way to validate would be by using a SimpleDateFormat and using the flag of lenient class DateFormat. The standard is true, to capture formatting errors should use it as false.


// Configure o SimpleDateFormat no onCreate ou onCreateView
String pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);


// Durante a confirmacao de cadastro, faça a validacao

String data = NascimentoUsu.getText().toString();

try {
    Date date = sdf.parse(data);
    // Data formatada corretamente
} catch (ParseException e) {
    // Erro de parsing!!

The flag lenient being true, causes the SimpleDateFormat use a heuristic to correct "wrong data".

With lenient true, the date 29/02/2014 would be converted to 01/03/2014. Using lenient as false, it generates a Parsing error.

  • Thanks for the help, now I’m having another difficulty from having validated the date as I can check if the person is over 18 years?

  • 1

    Take a look at the solution to this question:, using the Calendar can make this account.

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