Move data from a form


Viewed 35 times


Good afternoon, I’m new here and also a new "developer, programmer".

My question is this::

As I do to move information that was recorded through a form, it went to a database and a registration page, to another specific page?


For example, patient data is collected at screening, entered into a database, and saved on a sorted patient page. Then, this same screened patient may have some information changed after editing. I wanted after all the procedure, remove this patient from the sorted page (without losing their database) and move it to another page.


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • Oops. First here is not a forum :) I do not know how is your database, but I imagine that if the patient is in the screening, has already gone through this step, is being attended or has already had the care completed are a field type in your database right? If this is the case, only do the query on the next page with the necessary filters.

  • Sorry I put up the forum, I already deleted it. For example, patient data is collected at screening, entered into a database, and saved on a sorted patient page. Then, this same screened patient may have some information changed after editing. I wanted after all the procedure, remove this patient from the sorted page (without losing their database, and move it to another page).

  • I explained better what I said in the comment in a reply below.

  • The logic may be exactly what @Caiorios said in the answer. The rest depends on the database, and regardless of the database, you must learn CRUD.

1 answer


To do what you want, is exactly what I said in the comments, but I’ll explain better:

  • Create a field status, for example, in your database for your patients.

  • When you enter a new patient into the database, pass with default status 1 (in triage).

  • When the screening is completed you pass status 2 (out of screening).

This way, on the triad page you list only patients coming from the bank with status 1. On the patients page on the other page, you list only patients coming from the bank with status 2.

To "pass" the patient from one page to another, you create a function that will set the patient’s status to 2 (out of screening).

And finally, if you want to create a function to "pass" the patient back to triage, do a function that changes the patient’s status back to 1 (in triage).

  • Thank you very much, gave me a hint on the subject. Now I’ll look at how to create such a function.

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