How can I use its return directly in the expressions? Because I can only use it if I open the prompt 2 times.
I wanted, if in condition, the value is what I want, it (the value) fall in the direct expression, without me having to open the prompt again, understand?
let promptValue = prompt('Valor') > 10 ? 'Valor do prompt aqui' : 'Não';
As you can see, instead of the "Value of the prompt here" I would only get this value if I put another prompt, but in case I want the value I put in the condition prompt. Like?
Ah, that’s what I wanted to know. I put it in string there just for example, but it has the return in this val. Thanks Sergio, I didn’t know
– Lucas de Carvalho
Sergio, I saw your response again, now that I understand. For example, without creating a variable to pick up the prompt, do it directly, just like the question, how could it be? Ali vc stores the prompt in val and then creates another variable. It would be more or less like this here: Let promptValue = prompt('Value') > 10 ? 'Prompt value here' :?
– Lucas de Carvalho
@Lucascarvalho no, the ternary has no reference to the condition within the options. You could do
let promptValue = ((val) => val > 10 ? val : 'Não')(Number(prompt('Valor')));
, but this is a complex and disguised way.– Sergio
Got it, ball show! Thanks for the explanation!
– Lucas de Carvalho