When using SQL database, there are different ways to show the system flow. In the database you can use an ER to show its attributes. And for its operation a UML Class Diagram is used.
How best to represent a Nosql database to the end user if you have any diagrams that I can use.
Nosql is somewhat free, you can think of him as a tree in most cases. Although lately I’ve seen people use Nosql more or less like this: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/JNFF2F/a-tangle-of-utility-wires-and-cables-above-the-streets-in-chandni-JNFF2F.jpg
– Bacco
@Bacco Nosql models are the mainframes of formerly https://i.stack.Imgur.com/peDYG.png
– MarceloBoni