Login with PDO does not check number of select results


Viewed 110 times


I am starting a new system only that instead of procedural I am using O.O. and PDO, I started to login, but even select returning the value, PHP shows that user or password is wrong...

Login method:

static function login($usuario, $senha) {
    try {

        $con = ConnectionFactory::getConnection();


        $senha = base64_encode($senha);

        $stmt = $con->prepare("select usuario from tbl_login where usuario = '?' and senha = '?'");

        $stmt->bindParam(1, $usuario);
        $stmt->bindParam(2, $senha);

        $users = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        // tentei colocar tmb $stmt->rowCount() == 1
        if(count($users) == 1){
            echo '<script> alert("Bem vindo ao sistema!");
                           window.location("menu.php"); </script>';
        } else {
            echo '<script> alert("Usuário ou senha incorretos!");
                           window.location("login.php"); </script>';
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
  • 1

    if($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) already returns true or false if there is any record, if I am not mistaken

  • Gives a var_dump($user) to see what returns

  • 1

    The problem may be in the query, well, I don’t really like to use Question mark’s (?) Why don’t you try using the colon (:) and you don’t need the quotation marks, "select user from tbl_login Where user = :user and password = :password" and in the Binds do like this: $stmt->bindParam('user', $usuario); the program does not save the passwords in base_64 because it can be reversed, instead use another type like MD5 or Sha1

  • Do not quote simplistic in interrogations

  • Thanks Woton, it worked. Anderson, I switched to :user..., regarding the password, if I use the MD5, how would I check the password the guy typed with the bank password?

  • I already figured out how it works using MD5.. (only generate the MD5 of the entered password and see if it matches the bank..)

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1 answer


It is necessary to check the return.

//Pode usar o var_dump ou print_r

I recommend the var_dump

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