Bundle does not render css Asp.net mvc


Viewed 999 times


I’ve got my own bill


And it just stopped working, it yields nothing

The Bundle is being registered in the global.asax


And when disabling Enableoptimizations

  BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;

It renders css, but without merging

  • What is generated in HTML? You don’t happen to have a folder with that name?

  • does not generate anything, and I have the folder named Content yes, until this @Style render is the default that comes when creating the project

  • in your file BlundeConfig.cs inside the briefcase App_Start ta thus bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

  • Yes Maria, this way, comes standard when generating a project Asp.net mvc 5 in visual studio, I did absolutely nothing, was working, simply stopped and did not work anymore, I do not know if updated something

  • You can check whether your Bundle is being registered correctly in Global.asax, please?

  • saw some things, and edited the question

  • You happened to create a directory called css inside Content?

  • Yes, now I saw, a lib I caught by the nuget created

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2 answers


Directories created by Visual Studio are managed by IIS, which prohibits the Bundling to create temporary files.

Simply delete the directory /Content/css that the Bundling will work again.

  • I didn’t understand very well, should you delete the folder and create another with another name to save the style aquives? I’ve had a similar problem, but with the scripts, it might be the same thing (but the error occurred not in place, but when publishing to the production server)?

  • No. Just delete the directory. When the directory does not exist, IIS is responsible for creating and managing it.


I also had this problem, and the solution went to the project settings and checked the option: "Override application root URL"

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