error: incompatible types: Mapsfragment cannot be converted to Fragment


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I am trying to add the Google Maps API fragment to the main project screen

error: incompatible types: Mapsfragment cannot be converted to Fragment

part of the code:

    fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();

    FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

    transaction.add(, new MapsFragment(), "MapsFragment" ) ;


The error appears when I give the New.. command says that it cannot be converted to fragment..

how do I use it on the main screen then ?

1 answer


Eae, I just came across this problem, the solution was to add an import


in place of import; In this case, the Fragment class you will call.

After that I still thought of another error, where the application closes when clicking on the event that would take me to Fragment,so I think it may have happened to you. the solution is: We need to call and implement the methods of this interface OnFragmentInteractionListener for each class that will be called as Fragment.

 public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
            implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, PrincipalFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener ,QuemSomos.OnFragmentInteractionListener {

In my case I added to MainActivity and used alt+enter to generate. I hope I helped after that everything worked perfectly. Hug and do not forget to mark as the best answer if this answer was useful to you.

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