Good night! The scenario I find myself in is this::
I have a canvas that presents an already completed form. At the bottom of the screen, there is a button to send the link from form by email. And that’s where the magic happens:
Utilizo AJAX via Javascript:
$('.send_email').click(function () {
const url = (window.location.href).split("/");
url: " /assessments/"+url[url.length - 2]+"/send_email",
type: "POST",
data: {"assessments_id": url[url.length - 2]},
dataType: "json",
success: function() {
It is working very well. Picking up the id contained in the URL and going on to request the POST.
In the method send_email
, is where it gets interesting:
He’s in a controller exactly that way:
def send_email
AssessmentMailer.assessment_report set_assessment
The set_assessment method is this:
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_assessment
@assessment = Assessment.find(params[:id])
And it’s working fine.
What I need is to send the email through send_email
But every time I try he returns with the Status 204
When debugging the system does not go to the class/method that is requested.
Follow The Mailer
class AssessmentMailer < ApplicationMailer
default from: "[email protected]"
before_action :load_assessments
# Subject can be set in your I18n file at config/locales/en.yml
# with the following lookup:
# en.assessment_mailer.assessment_report.subject
def assessment_report
mail to: @assessment.collaborator.email , subject: 'QUALIDADE DE VIDA'
def load_assessments
@assessment = params[:assessment]
Segue Model:
class Assessment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :collaborator
paginates_per 10
after_create :send_report_email
def send_report_email
AssessmentMailer.with(assessment: self).assessment_report.deliver_now!
Who can save my existence Nothing but eternal gratitude! hahaha. Jokes aside...
HTTP 204 is successful. But no response content.
– vinibrsl
Yes, during the debugs I put in the model an "after_find" and passed the method send_report_email it works, only it sends an email for each time it does the find
– Rafael Gomides