Error at end of Symfony installation


Viewed 212 times


I’m willing to learn Symfony and then did the installation as they speak on the site:

composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition meuprojeto/ '~2.5'

Until then did the installation, in the end I did not want to install the demo Acme and did the settings, entered the project folder, I ran the command:

php app/check.php 

And everything’s OK when I turn the remote:

php app/console server:run 

I opened in my browser the address he passed:

But make the mistakes:

Sorry, the page you are Looking for could not be found. 2/2 Notfoundhttpexception: No route found for "GET /" 1/2 Resourcenotfoundexception:

I’ve tried to access: 

Neither did it, does anyone know how I can have one hello world?

  • Is your php version 5.4+ ? Has apache installed?

  • Version php 5.5. * and apache ok

3 answers


This error happens because you, in fact, have not set any route mapped to /. If you had installed the AcmeDemoBundle would have an initial route to explore, which would be the /hello/{name}.

The next step now is to create a Bundle inside your Symfony application with the command app/console generate:bundle. Inside that chest will be a file Resources/config/routing.yml in which you define the routes of your application, which will be mapped to actions in your controllers and which will eventually generate valid HTML responses for your requests.


Hi friend, Hello World is implemented in Acmebundle. The problem of "No route found" is because there is no route you want to access. I’ll teach you the steps to create a new Dark and create a route for it.

Run the command on the console:

php bin/console generate:bundle

After, he will ask questions about the Bundle name, use the Annotation. After generating the Bundle, he will have inside the Bundle a DefaultController. And the method indexAction which is automatically generated will take the route @Route("/"), this means it is the root route of your server.

 * @Route("/")
 * @Method("GET")
public function indexAction() {


HTML will be found in the folder Resources/views within the Bundle. The files will be inside the folder with the same name as the Bundle.

If you run the Symfony server php bin/console server:run, you will be able to access your project through the address http://localhost:8000/ and as it is on the root route, it will open its indexAction.

If the route is:

 * @Route("/teste")
 * @Method("GET")
public function indexAction() {


The address will be http://localhost:8000/teste. I hope I’ve helped!


After a few more searches, I saw that this error was giving because I had nothing configured on routing.yml and so what I did was create an example page php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/DemoBundle --format=yml following this link . I also added in Composer.json , in the part of extra the following

"extra": {
    "symfony-app-dir": "app",
    "symfony-web-dir": "web",
    "symfony-assets-install": "symlink", // <- essa linha foi adicionada
    "incenteev-parameters": {
        "file": "app/config/parameters.yml"
    "branch-alias": {
        "dev-master": "2.5-dev"

I did it because after creating a demo page started to give error with the Assets.

I hope it can help for future consultations.

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