Limit the number of rows in the second table?


Viewed 176 times


Hello, good night!

I have two tables (Process and Movements). I need to generate a report with the Process data, along with the most recent progress. The query I wrote is returning me all the movements, repeating the process data. I’ve tried using $this->db->limit(1) but so, only returns me 1 single process of several that should appear.

Query in Process Model_class:

function get_processos_ativos() {        
        $this->db->join('andamento', 'fkcodprocesso=codprocesso', 'left'); 
        $this->db->order_by("str_to_date(andamento.dtandamento, '%d-%m-%Y')", 'DESC', FALSE);
        return $this->db->get('processo')->result();

View code:

<?php foreach ($processo as $proc) : ?>
    <div class="row"> 
        <div class="col-md-4" >                         
            <p><font  size="2" face="helvetica"><strong>Autos nº:</strong> <a href="<?= base_url('processo/processoclicked/' . $proc->codprocesso) ?>" target="_self"><font size="2" face="helvetica"><?php echo $proc->nprocesso; ?></font></a></strong></font></p>                         
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <p><font  size="2" face="helvetica"><strong>Comarca:</strong> <?php echo $proc->comarca; ?> - <?php echo $proc->numerovara; ?> <?php echo $proc->vara; ?></font></p> 
    <!-- ...vários outros dados da tabela processo. -->

    Aqui é o dado onde eu quero que só apresente o último registro da tabela Andamentos:    

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12"    >                        
            <p align="justify"><font  size="2" face="helvetica"><strong>Último Andamento:</strong> <?php echo $proc->dtandamento; ?> - <?php echo $proc->descricao; ?></font></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>  
  • What query are you using to retrieve data from the database? I think that the solution will pass more easily by query than by PHP code itself.

  • @Joãomartins at the moment this one from the top, which brings me all the movements of each process, it occurs that I only need the last record of the table movements: Function get_processos_actives() ' $this->db->Join('progress', 'fkcodprocess=codprocess', 'left'); $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->order_by("str_to_date(progress.dtprogress, '%d-%m-%Y')", 'DESC', FALSE); Return $this->db->get('process')->result(); }

1 answer


If your goal is just to limit the results with no further conditions you were on the right track and you should use

$this->db->limit(N) being N the number of lines you want to display

  • then @Nunomaximiano lets me explain better, 1 Process has several movements, it occurs that I need to display several processes and the last progress of each one, when I use the $this->db->limit(1); it only returns me a single record, in case a single process, where q needs to display multiple processes. Gave the impression?

  • I think I’ve figured out the problem in order to solve this problem you’ll need to use sub-queries instead of Join $this->db->select('p.*, (select a.campo_a_apresentar from andamento a where a.idProcesso = limit 1) AS campo_a_Apresentar ');&#xA;$this->db->order_by("str_to_date(andamento.dtandamento, '%d-%m-%Y')", 'DESC', FALSE);&#xA;$this->db->from('processo p');&#xA;return $this->db->get()->result();

  • thanks for the return, but it seems that Codeigniter 3.x no longer accepts Subqueries??

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