How to fix a connection error on a website?


Viewed 192 times


Currently I administer the site of a Town Hall, and today, out of nowhere, the following error began to appear:

Warning: mysqli_connect() [Function.mysqli-connect]: Headers and client library minor version Mismatch. Headers:50521 Library:50639 in /home/afoga205/public_html/var_ini.php on line 174

The line in question is being this:

    $this->conexao = mysqli_connect($_host['host'],$database['username'],$database['password']) or die(mysqli_error());

What is the solution to solve this problem?

  • 2

    The version of Mysql with which your PHP was compiled is different from the version of the Mysql library being used. You updated one of the two recently?

  • No, I didn’t update. The site is hosted on Hostgator and I noticed today that some layouts have been updated, but I haven’t received any update information from Mysql or anything else.

  • 1

    So it is a case to see with the support of Hostgator, since it is their hosting. But the error is probably the one I said.

  • In fact, I had not yet sought solution with them. I will investigate and give a return.

  • @Renatodiniz, I’m passing by to say that it was really a problem on the Hostgator server. It was solved as soon as I opened the ticket. Thank you!

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