It is not exactly simple... It is necessary to create another plugin to take care of the validation. The first thing to do is to know which fields you want to filter:

Let’s say it’s in the type fields email*
, then the filter will be wpcf7_validate_email*
and the error message will be connected to the field name your-email
If the site has more than one form with fields of the type email*
it is possible to validate each form by filtering through the form ID, which is used in the shortcode: [contact-form-7 id="2919" title="aaa"]
The plugin code would be:
* Plugin Name: (SOPT) Validar forms do CF7
* Plugin URI: /a/31028/201
* Author: brasofilo
* Evita ativar o plugin se o CF7 não estiver ativo
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activation_sopt_31022' );
function activation_sopt_31022()
$plugin = isset( $_REQUEST['plugin'] ) ? $_REQUEST['plugin'] : '';
check_admin_referer( "activate-plugin_{$plugin}" );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WPCF7_Submission') )
wp_die( 'O Contact Form 7 não está ativo' );
add_filter( 'wpcf7_posted_data', 'check_form_so_31022' );
* Iniciar a checagem dos forms enviados
function check_form_so_31022( $data )
# Conferir ID de um form específico
if( $data['_wpcf7'] !== '2919' )
# Validar campo de email
if( !validate_email_so_31022( $data['your-email'] ) )
add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_email*', 'erro_email_so_31022', 10, 2 );
# Validar campo de texto
if( !validate_text_so_31022( $data['your-subject'] ) )
add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_text', 'erro_text_so_31022', 10, 2 );
return $data;
* TODO: Função personalizada para validar texto
function validate_text_so_31022( $text )
# FAÇA AQUI SUA VALIDAÇÃO e retorne true ou false
return false;
* Filtro específico para mostrar erro em campo de texto
function erro_text_so_31022( $result, $tag )
$result['valid'] = false;
$result['reason']['your-subject'] = 'Erro';
return $result;
* TODO: Função personalizada para validar email
function validate_email_so_31022( $email )
# FAÇA AQUI SUA VALIDAÇÃO e retorne true ou false
return false;
* Filtro específico para mostrar erro em campo de email
function erro_email_so_31022( $result, $tag )
$result['valid'] = false;
$result['reason']['your-email'] = 'Logical Error: Check in date should be before check out date';
return $result;
The result when trying to submit the form (with AJAX turned on) is:

Has a CF7 validation plugin with jQuery, but I don’t know how it works. And remember that just turn off the JS in the browser to override this type of validation. See Can I validate only with jQuery or do I need PHP?