React Native and hybrid?


Viewed 522 times


I was wondering if React Native and really hybrid, like Ionic, that you program a code only and export to the two platforms (IOS/ANDROID), or and similar to Xamarin, that you make the 2 different codes.

In project development I program as? only for one platform at a time, or each one individual.

1 answer


With React Native, you program in Javascript and your code will be "translated" into native components of each platform. When you declare a Text, for example, it will be translated to a UIView on iOS and for a TextView on Android.

With Ionic, you also program in Javascript, but your code will run inside a WebView, may generate a difference in performance.

I believe that any tool for hybrid development will offer ways to make customizations for different platforms, since each platform has its peculiarities.

In this way, the normal stream of development, both in Ionic and React Native, is to make code only for both platforms. If necessary, there is the possibility to make customizations for each platform.

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