Banner Error Bootstrap Site HTML Wordpress


Viewed 42 times


My site published in wordpress contains a following problem, when I decrease the screen of my browser, and click on the 3 bars of my navbar to open the menu, the image tries to follow the navbar, thus making the image stretch. How the images show:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The img stretches after pressing the navbar button

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The access link to view html is: website link

  • Friend without your CSS and your html structure becomes complicated to answer. If you have at least one page link edit your question with it. Not knowing if this image is a Background, an IMG tag does not answer you accurately.

  • sorry, the link to access is

  • Dude put the picture there 'cause I just came in and it’s out...

  • you’re already set with the picture I just put it, sorry ^^

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