what function would be useful to remove xml data with php or js?


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I’m making a system with php,js and xml,with a php form where the user adds events and they are automatically written to xml

This is the add.php

$campoTitulo = $_POST['titulo'];
$campoLocal = $_POST['local'];
$campoData = $_POST['data'];
$campoHorario = $_POST['horario'];
$campoDescricao = $_POST['descricao'];
//Nome do arquivo
$nomeArquivo = "eventos.xml";
// versão do encoding xml
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8");
// retirar os espaços em branco
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// gerar código ??
$dom->formatOutput = true;
// carrega o arquivo
// recupera nó principal
$root = $dom->documentElement;

$evt = addEvento($dom, $campoTitulo, $campoLocal, $campoData, $campoHorario, 
// adicionando ao root

// salva o arquivo
// mostrar
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
print $dom->saveXML();

function addEvento($documento, $titulo, $local, $data, $horario, $descricao) {
// criar evento
$evt = $documento->createElement("evento");
// criar nó titulo
$tituloElm = $documento->createElement("titulo", $titulo);
//criar nó local
$localElm = $documento->createElement("local", $local);
// criar nó data
$dataElm = $documento->createElement("data", $data);
//criar nó horário
$horarioElm = $documento->createElement("horario", $horario);
//criar nó descrição
$descricaoElm = $documento->createElement("descrição", $descricao);

return $evt;

But I need a script so that the user can remove his events through a form, where the events he created are shown (I already did), and a delete button for each event.

  • With her own class DOMDocument you parse the XML and remove the elements you want.

  • I’m still familiar with DOM and XML, so I have no clear ideas on how to manipulate Domdocument so that the user can remove their own data

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