Excel VBA with slow array s to taratar data


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I am developing a code to be applied in excel that summarizes the number of defects in a summary table. The data is imported from an xml file, which is opened by excel and created "layout" by excel. As it is the first time I work with array s and I find the processing very slow I would like to know if it is possible to check the code and explain to me where I can improve and how. Thank you.


    Sub importXMLS()

' Declaração de variaveis e condições iniciais
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim instance As XPath
Dim Map As XmlMap
Dim XPath As String
Dim Book As String
Dim Book1 As String
Dim lig As Long
Dim comp As Single
Dim comp1 As Single
Dim DLig As Long
Dim Lote As String
Dim xmls As String
Dim opcao As String
Dim file As String
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Dim oLo As ListObject
Dim Col As String
Dim Lin As String
Dim BCol As String
Dim BLin As String
Dim Hed As String
Dim Flag As String
Dim Mult As String
Dim zero As String
Dim Col1 As Long
Dim Lin1 As String
Dim Coluna As Long
Dim Linha As Long
Dim index As String
Dim fila As Long
Dim columna As Long
Dim MyArray() As Variant
zero = 0

comp = 0                                             ' Colocar comprimento a zero

' Não actualizar ecra/mostrar alertas e guardar nome do excel
Application.DisplayAlerts = False                    ' Não apresenta alertas
Application.ScreenUpdating = False                   ' Não actualiza o ecrã
Livro = ActiveWindow.Caption                         ' Guarda o nome do EXCEL PRINCIPAL

' Elimina o conteudo da aba Table
Windows(Livro).Activate                              ' Activa o Excel principal
    Sheets("Table").Select                           ' Seleciona a aba Table
    Range("A2").Select                               ' Seleciona a celula A2
    If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then              ' Se não está vazia, então
        Rows("2:1048575").Select                     ' Seleciono todas as linhas
        Selection.ClearContents                      ' Elimina toda a informação
        Range("A2").Select                           ' Seleciona a celula A2
    End If

' Directório pre definido dos ficheiros XML e modo de funcionamento
Sheets("Parametros").Select                        ' Seleciona a aba Defects-list
         xmls = Range("B3").Value                   ' Variavel Caminho Xmls
         impor = Range("B6").Value                  ' Variavel xmls depois de importados
         vazio = Range("B9").Value                  ' Variavel xmls sem defeitos
         opcao = Range("F6").Value                   ' Variavel de modo de funcionamento

If opcao = "1" Then                                  ' Testa se modo de funcionamento
'ChDir xmls                                           ' Selecionar Xmls
n1 = 0
n2 = 0

' Selecionar e importa XMLS
    filetoopen = Application _
    .GetOpenFilename("XML Files (*.xml), *.xml", , "Import XML", , True) ' selecionar xmls
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True                                     ' Alertas ON
    If IsArray(filetoopen) Then
        For Each fil In filetoopen
        file = Right(fil, 12)                                            ' Nome XML
        Set wb = Workbooks.OpenXML(Filename:=fil, LoadOption:=xlXmlLoadImportToList)
        Book = ActiveWindow.Caption                          ' guarda o nome do excel temporario
        Book1 = ActiveSheet.Name                             ' guardar o nome da folha temporaria
    ' Testa se ficheiro não tem defeitos
        Windows(Book).Activate                              ' Activa ficheiro temporario
        Worksheets(Book1).Range("A2").Activate              ' Seleciona a Celula A2
        If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True Then                  ' Testar se o rolo está vazio
             Application.DisplayAlerts = False                   ' Desativo os alertas
             Application.DisplayAlerts = True                    ' Activa os alertas
        n1 = n1 + 1

            n2 = n2 + 1
            Windows(Livro).Activate                              ' Activa o excel import XML
            Sheets("Table").Select                               ' Seleciona a Folha Table
            Range("A2").Select                                   ' Seleciona celula 2
            Windows(Book).Activate                              ' Activa ficheiro temporario
            comp = Worksheets(Book1).Range("F2").Value          ' Seleciona o comprimento
            Worksheets(Book1).Range("A2").Activate              ' Seleciona a Celula A2
            Range("A2", Range("AK2").End(xlDown)).Select        ' Qual a ultima linha a vazia com inicio em A2
            Selection.Copy                                      ' Copia seleccao anterior
            Windows(Livro).Activate                             ' Muda para excel principal
            Worksheets("Table").Range("A2").Activate            ' Seleciono a 1a linha vazia
            ActiveSheet.Paste                                   ' Colo a seleccao
            Windows(Book).Activate                              ' Activo o excel temporario
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False                   ' Desativo os alertas
            ActiveWindow.Close                                  ' Fecho o excel temporario
            Windows(Livro).Activate                             ' Activo excel principal
            Range("A2").Select                                  ' Seleciono a 1a Celula dessa linha

        End If

Windows(Livro).Activate                               ' Activa o excel principal

    ' End If
        Next fil
    Exit Sub
    End If

End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Sheets("Table").Select                           ' Seleciona a aba Menu
ID = Range("A2")
style = Range("E2")
Start = Range("C2")
Tend = Range("D2")
DWidth = Range("K2")
Lenght = Range("F2")
DNumber = Range("M2")
Inspec = Range("B2")
Sheets("Menu").Select                               ' Activa Folha Rolls list
Range("B4") = ID
Range("B5") = style
Range("B6") = Start
Range("B7") = Tend
Range("G4") = DWidth
Range("G5") = Lenght
Range("G6") = DNumber
Range("G7") = Inspec

Sheets("Parametros").Select                        ' Seleciona a aba Defects-list
    Col = Range("G19").Value                   ' Variavel Colunas
    Flag = Col
    Mult = 1
    Col1 = Col
    Lin = Range("G20").Value                  ' Variavel Linhas'
    Lin1 = Lin
    BCol = Range("G15").Value                   ' Banda Colunas
    BLin = Range("G16").Value                   ' Banda Linhas
    zero = 0
    ind = 2
    ind1 = 2
Sheets("Table").Select                           ' Seleciona a aba Table
    DLin = Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row
    Hed = Range("K2").Value                         ' Seleciona a celula K2
    comp = Range("F2").Value

' Efectuar os calculos

Sheets("Teste1").Select                           ' Seleciona a aba Table
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
Range("A1").Select                               ' Seleciona a celula A10

' Cria a tabela de acordo com as linhas e colunas

For Each oLo1 In oSh.ListObjects
    Application.Goto oLo1.Range
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$1"), , xlNo).Name = "Tabela3"

'criar a matriz

Col = Col1
Lin = Lin1

Do While Col > "1"                                                                  ' cria as colunas
        Col = Col - 1
    Do While Lin > "0"                                                                 ' Cria as linhas
        Lin = Lin - 1
        Selection.ListObject.ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
    Range("A1").Select ' Seleciona a celula A10
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Tabela3").ShowHeaders = False

Range("A1").Value = zero
Flag1 = Lin1
test1 = ActiveCell.Address
Do While Flag1 <> "0"

       test = ActiveCell.Address
       Range(test).Value = zero
       Flag = Col1
                Do While Flag > "1"
                    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
                    test = ActiveCell.Address
                    Range(test).Value = zero
                    Flag = Flag - 1
                ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
                test1 = ActiveCell.Address
                Flag1 = Flag1 - 1

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

' copiar tabela para array
MyArray = Range("A1").CurrentRegion

        Flag1 = DLin
        Do While Flag1 > "1"
            testar = Range("AH" & ind).Value
            Coluna = Application.RoundUp((testar / BCol), 0)
           ind = ind + 1

            testar1 = Range("AG" & ind1).Value
            Linha = Application.RoundUp((testar1 / BLin), 0)
            ind1 = ind1 + 1
            Flag1 = Flag1 - 1

MyArray(Linha, Coluna) = MyArray(Linha, Coluna) + 1


Range("A1").CurrentRegion = MyArray


Col = Col1
Lin = Lin1

Sheets("Menu").Select                           ' Seleciona a aba Table
    Set oSh = ActiveSheet
    Range("A10").Select                               ' Seleciona a celula A10

' Cria a tabela de acordo com as linhas e colunas

For Each oLo In oSh.ListObjects
    Application.Goto oLo.Range
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$10"), , xlNo).Name = "Tabela2"
    Range("A10").Select                                                                 ' Seleciona a celula A10
    Do While Col > "0"                                                                  ' cria as colunas
        Col = Col - 1
    Do While Lin > "0"                                                                 ' Cria as linhas
        Lin = Lin - 1
        Selection.ListObject.ListRows.Add AlwaysInsert:=True
    Range("A10").Select ' Seleciona a celula A10
    Range("A10").Value = "Meter"

    Flag = Col1
    Do While Flag <> "0"                                                               ' Escreve o cabecalho
       ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
        test = ActiveCell.Address
        Hed1 = BCol * Mult
        Range(test).Value = Hed1
        Flag = Flag - 1
        Mult = Mult + 1

    Range("A10").Select ' Seleciona a celula A10
    Mult = 1
    Flag1 = Lin1
    Do While Flag1 <> "0"
       ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
       test = ActiveCell.Address
       test1 = ActiveCell.Address
       Hed1 = BLin * Mult
       Range(test).Value = Hed1
       Flag1 = Flag1 - 1
       Mult = Mult + 1
       Flag = Col1

    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

    Rows("1:1048575").Select                     ' Seleciono todas as linhas
    Selection.ClearContents                      ' Elimina toda a informação
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$1"), , xlNo).Name = "Tabela3"
    Range("A2").Select                           ' Seleciona a celula A2

'    Do While Flag <> "0"                                                               ' Escreve o cabecalho
'       ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
'        test = ActiveCell.Address
'        Hed1 = BCol * Mult
'        Range(test).Value = Hed1
'        Flag = Flag - 1
'        Mult = Mult + 1

'    Loop

End Sub
  • 2

    Arrays (vectors) are fast and are the most optimized way to perform tasks in Excel. You are performing many interactions between the VBA and the Excel spreadsheet and this is slow. For example, avoid the use of .Select, or the action of loop deleting Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp, which is performed several times. The best way to delete is to create a non-contiguous Range, or filter for the data you want and perform the delete action only once.

  • First of all thank you, I tried to define an array with the row and column variables, but the same gives me error at that time. Since I don’t know any other way to overcome that situation, I did all this code. Can you tell me how to do something: myarray(row, column) *- Having values in variables? Thank you

  • Behold this answer which has a way to popular the array with cell values.

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