Changing position of multiple DIVS with same selector in Jquery


Viewed 46 times


I have a page that contains several structures with the same selector, such as:

<div class="preco">
R$ 69,90

<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 50,00

As I mentioned, the above structure repeats several times on the page. I need to place the content of div.preco-a-vista within the div.preco

I made the following code:

$('.preco-avista').each(function() {  
  var $this = $(this);

This code works, but it takes all prices from the page (from the price-to-view div) and puts in all div price. Repeating everything. Could you help me with this question?

  • When you put the contents of .preco-a-vista inside .preco what happens to .preco-a-vista? gets duplicated or is to remove?

  • It is to remove Sérgio! And currently in the code is getting..

3 answers


I don’t quite understand your question, but...

$('.preco-a-vista').each((i,e) => { $('.preco').eq(i).html(e.textContent); })

  • It didn’t work :-| So Raphael’s idea is to basically put the div-a-vista inside the div price. The problem is that these Ivs are repeated (with the same selector) throughout the page. With the code I put above, it works, but all price-a-view DIV are inserted in all price Divs.


Would that be?

$('.preco-a-vista').each((i,e) => { $('.preco').eq(i).appendTo($(e).html()); })

In this case it is for equal numbers of div'.preco-a-vista' and . 'price'. There are N ways to do it. There we are moving the div.preco-a-vista into the div.preco, but keeping the text of it. If you just want to replace the content, use the append.


I made the function very simple and put the explanation commenting on the lines of codes. But in short:

1. Counts items with "price-to-view" class on the page;

2. Each of these elements is placed inside the element with class "price" in the same order;

3. The "price-to-view" elements are deleted

  //pega a quantidade de elementos
  var vista = $(".preco-a-vista");
  var qntVista = vista.length;

  //função para remover os elementos após a execução
  function removerVista(){

  // colocar os 'preco-a-vista' dentro do 'preco'
  for (j = 0; j < qntVista; j++){
    var htmlVista = $(".preco-a-vista:eq("+j+")").html();

  // executa a função de remover os 'preco-a-vista'
<script src=""></script>
<div class="preco">
R$ 69,90
<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 50,00

<div class="preco">
R$ 79,90
<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 60,00

<div class="preco">
R$ 89,90
<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 80,00

<div class="preco">
R$ 99,90
<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 150,00

<div class="preco">
R$ 429,90
<div class="preco-a-vista">
R$ 200,00

  • Thanks VME! It worked!

  • Thank you for helping! You can mark this answer as the answer to the question!

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