How to apply opacity to a DOM element - createImage(); - through a javascript editor?


Viewed 78 times


I’m using P5.js - a javascript library - to capture images from a news API. I would like these images to be superimposed, but with opacity, so that the images merge.

I’m not being able to apply opacity directly by javascript code. I can change the position of the images ( photos.position(x ,y); ), but I can’t find the way to apply opacity.

function setup() {

function gotData(data) {

var img = data.articles;
var imgs = [];

for (var i = 0; i < img.length; i++) {

var fotos = createImg(img[i].urlToImage);

fotos.position(0, 0);

One solution I found reading some posts here in stackflow, was to manually change the opacity of the images, one by one, through the browser’s HTML inspector, but this is only for a few images.


But this is impossible in the case of 2 thousand images, for example. I need to automate this process.

So how do I apply opacity to an image - direct DOM element by javascript code?

  • Have you tried for CSS? img{ opacity: .3; }.. this will apply opacity to all images inside the body.

  • I’m not familiar with CSS yet, I just started studying javascript. I’ll take a look this week and return here, but from what you say, it seems like a good solution! Thanks, dvd!

  • But do you want to superimpose 2000 images on canvas with transparency? I don’t know if the browser could handle all this.

  • really, 200 photos on posts I think gives an unreadable result. I’m pulling 20 out of 20, and yet only the top ones appear. anyway, from 20 to 20 comes fast in two hundred, goes beyond. valeu, abs!

1 answer


Apparently in your question picture, all the images you add are inside the body, then just add in your CSS the opacity you want that will be applied to all tags <img>, without the need to use Javascript:

body > img{
   opacity: .3;
  • valeuzaço. great solution. stayed as expected. now is to go developing. I’ll take a look at CSS, already vi q will be of great help. abs!

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