Error while trying to create an object array


Viewed 32 times


I am trying to create an array of objects but am getting the following error message: Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a Valid Mysql result Resource in


class controler {

        private $anuncios = array();
        private $pedidos=   array();
        private $usuarios = array();

Inside the class I made a method to pollute the array with objects

public static function getAnuncios()


            $query="SELECT * FROM tb_anuncio";

        $result = $conexao->query($query)or die( mysql_error());

            while ($anuncio = mysql_fetch_object($result)) //linha a qual o erro é acusado
               // $obj_anuncio = new anuncio($anuncio['cd_anuncio'],$anuncio['nm_titulo'],$anuncio['ds_anuncio'],$anuncio['cd_usuario'],$anuncio['nm_estado'],$anuncio['nm_cidade'],$anuncio['nm_bairro'],$anuncio['nm_categoria']);

                $anuncios[] = $anuncio;
                foreach ($anuncios as $anuncio)
                  # code...


                # code...
            return $anuncios;

  • What is inside the $result in $anuncio = mysql_fetch_object($result)?

  • I put a print_r($result); to see what was inside the result and received a correct return from the I believe, the print_r showed the amount of Rows the type and etc.

  • Is not mysqli_xxx instead of mysql_xxx?

  • That’s what Raccoon was, I didn’t notice when it was time to use, vlw

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