Notice Push on Android with Onesignal - Action in the background


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I have in my android application the service Onesignal working properly, so far so good. I want to make some modifications to my Sharepreference (database) each time I receive a message. I managed to do such action while the app is in the foreground, however in the background the action does not work. I would like you to help me solve this problem. Follow the code that works first prano

public class mIntentService extends IntentService {
    public mIntentService() {


    protected void onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) {

        // OneSignal Initialization
                .setNotificationReceivedHandler(new NotificationReceivedHandler())

        Log.i("notification", "O IntentService foi iniciado");

    public class NotificationReceivedHandler implements OneSignal.NotificationReceivedHandler {
        public void notificationReceived(OSNotification notification) {

            //Essa é a função após receber a notificação
            LibraryIO io = new LibraryIO(getApplicationContext());
            io.setBooleanIO("iconNotificationNews", true);
            Log.i("iconNotificationNews", "iconNotificationNews chamadado");

Note that I tried to play in a service, but still do not understand how it works.

1 answer


I managed to solve the problem and it is working perfectly, follow the solution found at the following address: Documentation

follows my code:

import android.util.Log;
import com.edesonabizerril.newintercampi.data_and_utils.LibraryIO;
import com.onesignal.NotificationExtenderService;
import com.onesignal.OSNotificationDisplayedResult;
import com.onesignal.OSNotificationReceivedResult;
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class mIntentService extends NotificationExtenderService{

    protected boolean onNotificationProcessing(OSNotificationReceivedResult receivedResult) {
    LibraryIO io = new LibraryIO(getApplicationContext());
    io.setBooleanIO("iconNotificationNews", true);
    Log.i("iconNotificationNews", "iconNotificationNews chamadado");

    OverrideSettings overrideSettings = new OverrideSettings();
    overrideSettings.extender = new NotificationCompat.Extender() {
        public NotificationCompat.Builder extend(NotificationCompat.Builder builder) {
            // Sets the background notification color to Green on Android 5.0+ devices.
            Log.i("iconNotificationNews", "iconNotificationNews chamadado 2");
            return builder.setColor(new BigInteger("0d2541", 16).intValue());

    OSNotificationDisplayedResult displayedResult = displayNotification(overrideSettings);
    Log.d("OneSignalExample", "Notification displayed with id: " + displayedResult.androidNotificationId);
    Log.i("iconNotificationNews", "iconNotificationNews chamadado 3");
    return true;

On the main screen we have:

// OneSignal Initialization

And below all Activities there is the following code in the manifest file

                <action android:name="com.onesignal.NotificationExtender" />

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