Problems with Web.Config


Viewed 775 times


I am having difficulty using several web.config on my system. In my web.config main i have the following configuration:

    <add key="BASE_URL" value="/mvc/" />

And in my file web.release.config i have the following modification:

<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
    <add key="BASE_URL" value="/mvc" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)"/>

But when I call the estate BASE_URL, it is returning me the value of the main config and not in the modifier, even if I use the Release configuration to build the project.

I’m using C# MVC4 in VS2013

2 answers


There are three Web.config settings:

  • Web.config - Is used in any Configuration Manager (Debug/Release) situation while you are running your application directly through Visual Studio.
  • Web.Debug.config - Used for publishing when Configuration Manager is in Debug
  • Web.Release.config - Used for publishing when Configuration Manager is in Release

So you can achieve three situations where your variables can be changed, I particularly find this advantageous in situations that deal with local addresses, the configuration Web.config points to a physical location on my machine (e.g.: C:/Test/), and the others point to the respective IIS virtual addresses (e.g.: /Debug/Files/ for Debug and /Release/Files/ for Release).


Go to the BUILD Menu -> Configuration Manager.

In the "Active Solution Configuration" combo, change to release. Check that the file . config that will be used is actually the web.config.release.

  • Thanks for the tip Thiago, but I j[a had done this, I found that web.config differentials only work when we publish the project, but it was worth the intention

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