Checkbox is not checked


Viewed 377 times


I have an application where a table is dynamically loaded via ajax, and within the table there is a condition, if the condition is true I have to load a checkbox next to each name that is loaded, only that when I load my application and try to choose one of the checkbox, the checkbox does not remain checked


    type: "POST",
    success: function(result){
        if(result.length > 2){
            var option = "<option value='' >Nao Existe Fluxo para Este Grupo</option>";


while ($ln2 = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    if($ln2['codNIvel'] == 2){
        echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td> <input type='checkbox' checked name='codRequestManager' value='{$ln2['codUser']}' /> ". $ln2['nome'] ." </td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td> ". $ln2['nome'] ." </td>";
        echo "</tr>";
  • Already tried checked='checked' or checked=true ?

  • already yes... in the code is actually not to have the "checked", I put as test and forgot to take

  • You can better explain what you want. You want to have the checkbox selected by default?

  • when my table appears, if the lines fall in condition, the checkbox will appear (unchecked), then I will click on one of them to then do another action...only that the checkbox is not marked when I click on any of them

  • I only sell all the code, including css. It may be that there is some other element, for example, above the checkbox, or you have some disabled = true lost in the code.

2 answers


I got... the table I was talking about was loaded according to a < select >< /select > only that I called the change as follows outside the ready

$(document).change("#fluxo", function(){...}

All I did was put inside the ready and it worked, it was as follows:


Now the reason why it doesn’t work the first way I don’t know, but Valew to all for help !


Tried to specify data type in ajax? Type dataType: 'html'

In PHP code I would put everything in a variable and return in JSON format.


   $retorno['html'] = array(); 
   while ($ln2 = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    if($ln2['codNIvel'] == 2){
        $retorno['html'] .= "<tr>";
            $retorno['html'] .= "<td> <input type='checkbox' checked name='codRequestManager' value='{$ln2['codUser']}' /> ". $ln2['nome'] ." </td>";
        $retorno['html'] .= "</tr>";
        $retorno['html'] .= "<tr>";
            $retorno['html'] .= "<td> ". $ln2['nome'] ." </td>";
        $retorno['html'] .= "</tr>";
echo json_encode($retorno);

Then in the ajax script it would look like this:

  • I’ll try, as soon as I’m done I give my answer whether it worked or not !

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