Using a select with UNION or other mysql parameter


Viewed 276 times


I am developing cash flow from my company and am encountering a difficulty.

I have two different tables. A table is a tb_compras(id, fornecedor, nfe, valor, data) and then I have another table tb_compras_historico_pagamentos(id, id_compra, valor_pago, data).

I need to create an equal bank current account, cash flow of a particular SUPPLIER mine.

I’ll launch the shopping on tabela tb_compras which in this case is a debiting(-) and payments in tabela tb_compras_historico_pagamentos which in this case are the credits(+). Then tb_compras is debit and tb_compras_historico_payments is credit.


Data | Descrição        | Crédito | Débito | Total
12/06 Cupom fiscal 02               -100,00 -100,00
13/06 Depósito 233        +80,00            -20,00
15/06 Cupom fiscal 11               -200.00 -220.00
17/06 Depósito 1223       +400,00           +180,00

I am unable to select to take the results of the two tables in a single select and sort by date to be able to list in the form of the example above. Remembering that the table tb_compras_historico_pagamentos is related to the table tb_compras.

I thought to use the select below, but is giving error in select, I do not know if it is the ideal way for it.

Because in case I need to get all the table records tb_compras and table tb_compras_historico_pagamentos(that is linked with tb_purchases) and list all by date order to create the incoming cash flow and payments.

The select I’m trying is this, but unsuccessfully:

SELECT value FROM tb_shopping WHERE supplier = 'ID_FORNECEDOR' UNION ALL SELECT value FROM tb_buys_histori_payment where id_purchase =

2 answers


In this case you need to do an Inner Join, recover the values of the history table relative to the debit.

SELECT A.valor as debito, B.valor as recebido FROM tb_compras A INNER JOIN tb_compras_historico_pagamento B ON A.id_compra = B.id_compra;


For Mysql versions >= 8.0,

WITH RECURSIVE Q (rowid, data, fornecedor, credito, debito, saldo) AS
    SELECT,, C.fornecedor, HCRED.valor_pago as credito, HDEB.valor_pago as debito, COALESCE(HDEB.valor_pago, 0) + COALESCE(HCRED.valor_pago, 0) as saldo
    FROM      tb_compras C
    LEFT JOIN tb_compras_historico_pagamento HCRED
              ON = HCRED.id_compra AND HCRED.valor_pago > 0
    LEFT JOIN tb_compras_historico_pagamento HDEB
              ON = HDEB.id_compra AND HDEB.valor_pago < 0


    SELECT, C.fornecedor, HCRED.valor_pago, HDEB.valor_pago, COALESCE(HCRED.valor_pago, 0) + COALESCE(HDEB.valor_pago, 0) + Q.saldo
    FROM tb_compras C
    JOIN Q ON = Q.rowid + 1
    LEFT JOIN tb_compras_historico_pagamento HCRED
              ON = HCRED.id_compra AND HCRED.valor_pago > 0
    LEFT JOIN tb_compras_historico_pagamento HDEB
              ON = HDEB.id_compra AND HDEB.valor_pago < 0
ORDER BY 2, 3;

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