$request->input always returns null


Viewed 37 times


Angularjs file

                        method: 'POST',
                        url: API_URL + "produto/update" + "/" + produtoSelecionado,
                        data: $.param(obj),
                        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
                    }).success(function (response) {
                    }).error(function (response) {
                        alert('An error has occured. Please check the log for details.');

php controller:

public function decreaseQuantity(Request $request, $id)
                DB::table('product') ->where('id', $id) -> decrement('quantity',$request->input('quantity')); 

It always gives me error that the value is null as it is in the image

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’ve already checked the value of the variable obj and it has the value I want but for some reason does not pass to the controller. And even if I put a fixed value it also does not pass.. Any suggestions?

  • Have you tried using $request->json()->get('Quantity') ??

  • @Sylviot already but without success. The strange thing is that I have another function that takes exactly the same variable only instead of doing decrement makes increment and works well, only this is not

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