How to enable auto-complete in Declarative Views in the Crux Framework?


Viewed 99 times


When creating a new project (or even when I import existing projects) in Eclipse, how can I enable the auto-complete function of the components in the views?

I have to import some catalog, or this would be a configuration in Eclipse itself?

1 answer


Crux has a tool called Schemagenerator. This tool will create files. xsd to validate your view files and allow any IDE (Eclipse for example) to autocomplete tags and attributes for you.

When you create a new project with Crux through any of your Maven archetypes, you will notice that at the root of the project you will create a file called "Generate Schemas.Aunch".

Just right-click on it and click on "run As => Generate Schema". This will run the mentioned tool and create a folder at the root of your project called "xsd".

Inside it you will find some . xsd files and a file called Crux-Catalog.xml. Just import this catalog into Eclipse that it will know auto-complete correctly.

To do this, you can go to File => import => XML Catalog and select the file "Crux-Catalog.xml".

For more information about this process, see this section of the Crux manual:


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