Check empty variable in PHP


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When I check an empty variable in PHP I am using function denial Empty(), works, but not yours if this is correct and would like to know if there are other ways to do this?

if (!empty($numer)) {    
   echo "<h2>O numero informado foi  " . $numer . "</h2>";    

4 answers


If your variable should be a number, do not use empty. Just read what the documentation says:

Value Returned

Returns FALSE if var exists and is not empty, and does not contain a zeroed value. Otherwise it will return TRUE.

What is seen below is considered empty:

  • "" (an empty string)
  • 0 (0 as an integer)
  • 0.0 (0 as a floating point)
  • "0" (0 as a string)
  • NULL
  • array() (an empty array)
  • $var; (a declared variable but no value)

That is, if the variable is equal to 0, empty will return true even if a valid number.

If, in any way, the variable can arrive at being set, use the isset to verify its existence and is_numeric to check if it is numerical:

isset($number) and is_numeric($number)

But the only situation that I imagine, at the moment, that it is plausible to verify the existence of the variable is when it comes by an HTTP request and in this case the ideal is to do:

$number = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'number', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);

Thus, $number will always be set and will be equal to the value, if the given value was a number, false if the filter fails or null if the variable was not set in $_GET.


It has no problem to use empty(), but if(!$numer) also works. The good of empty() is that it validates if the variable in question is null, empty or false, which is good depending on your case.


That page shows the comparison between the functions Empty(),is_null(),isset()... You can verify the one that best applies to your case

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


You can do it this way:

$numer = $_GET['num'];
if(!is_numeric($numer) or !$numer or $numer == 0){

      echo "<h2>Nenhum número foi informado</h2>";
    echo "<h2>O numero informado foi  " . $numer . "</h2>";

This way if the value of $numer is not numerical, empty or has a value of 0, it will inform that no number has been informed. Otherwise, it will present the value of the variable.

  • 1

    What if $numer (sic) is equal to 0?

  • True friend. I hadn’t thought of that hypothesis, I’ll add a new condition to the answer.

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