
Viewed 72 times


i have in a db MYSQL two tables that are linked:


    id - nome - empresa

Each admin adds several values in the Docs table:

  • DOCS

    id_doc - id_admim_doc - doc - valor

The column id_admim_doc is a foreign key of the table admin, what I want exactly is that every new record with the msm id_admim_doc be added a doc with AUTO_INCREMENTE kind of: doc_1, doc_2...

But every list of every admin be completed independently, that is to say in admin 1 ha doc_1, doc_2... And in the admin 2 also. Ex: O admin 1 has sla, 20 Docs the 2 has only 3, and so on. Someone knows how to help me?



id -   nome -    empresa
 1  -  teste  -  teste2
 2  -  teste3 -  teste4


 id_doc    - id_admim_doc -    doc    - valor
   1       -     1        -   doc_1   -    t
   2       -     1        -   doc_2   -    t
   3       -     1        -   doc_3   -    t
   4       -     2        -   doc_1   -    t
   5       -     2        -   doc_2   -    t
   6       -     1        -   doc_4   -    t
   7       -     2        -   doc_3   -    t
   8       -     1        -   doc_5   -    t
  • Could you improve your question? It was not very clear.

  • @War, man, look at the final example, it’s kind of a auto_increment for each id_admin_doc different, you know? See there, all q has value 1, has Docs 1,2,3,4 and 5, see that with value 2 has 1,2 and 3, if I add another doc pro admin with id 2, his new doc would be 4, and if it were from admin with id 1, the doc would be 6, understand?

  • And if there was a new admin with id 3, then start a new one for him, doc_1, 2 ,3...

  • Use Rigger to do this

1 answer


You can use Trigger to do this using Trigger which would leave your insert small

Then when you enter the field doc you insert as null

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS  `trg_atualiza_doc`;


  CREATE TRIGGER `trg_atualiza_doc`
    BEFORE INSERT ON `docs` 
       FOR EACH ROW 
             SET @total := (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM docs WHERE id_admin_doc = NEW.id_admin_doc);          
             SET @nome := concat( 'DOC_',@total + 1,'');
             SET NEW.doc = @nome;
         END $$


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