How do I count the amount of records, where equal records are grouped and equal to only one, and impose an order when showing


Viewed 27 times


I have the table of relation with the columns author and team.

I need to count the amount of records the author has, and the records grouped by author and time count as only 1, and then display.


Author -------- Time

Gabriel ------- X

Gabriel ------- X

Gabriel ------- Y

John ---------- Z

John ---------- Z

John ---------- Z

In the example, where the author is Gabriel and the team is X would be counted only as 1 record, the same for John. Therefore, to display in descending order would be:

Gabriel = 2 records

John = 1 entry

I can’t get past it:

$sql = $pdo->query("SELECT *, COUNT(autor) AS total FROM aa_usuarios_treinamentos_rel WHERE time>'$timeRanking' AND status='true' GROUP BY autor, time ORDER BY total DESC");

1 answer


According to the scenario you presented, the basic query would look like this

SELECT autor, count(DISTINCT time) FROM tbl GROUP BY autor

See working on Sqlfiddle! 9/7c5220/1


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In this first example is the actual data, from the table, mauro has two records, felipe a record and jesus a record also.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Using the COUNT(DISTINCT time) I receive the real values of the query

  • From now on, thank you very much! In my case, I would need the records of Uro to count as only 1 for having the same teams and if Uro has a third record with team 2, for example, count 2 records.

  •! 9/b6baa9/1 In this case I would need to show Gabriel 2, John 1 and Peter 1 in descending order.

  • I updated the link, take a look.

  • Perfect! I didn’t know this method you used. Thank you very much!

  • If I helped you, mark it as the best answer, to help other people with the same question.

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