Convert a number array to a single String in php


Viewed 856 times


as I transform an array of numbers into a single string in php?

In the code below the variable $result is the array of numbers, and I tried to convert it to a single string with the function implode(). But it doesn’t seem to work because php gives the message 'Notice: Array to string Conversion in..." (QUERY LINE

And in the database did not work persistence...

How to make this conversion?

//Result é o array de números. Preciso convertê-lo para uma String...
$resultado = implode($result);

        mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO forum (codUsuario,titulo,mensagem) VALUES('$result','$titulo','$mensagem');");
  • 1

    Failed to pass by which delimiter the string must be joined. $resultado = implode(',', $result);

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3 answers


In the implode function, I put the empty delimiter and it worked:

$resultado = implode('', $result);


The problem is you’re including the $result in the query and not the $resultado, you’re making:

$resultado = implode($result);

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT forum (...) VALUES('$result','$titulo','$mensagem');");

Just change to $resultado and will work normally. The implode, as documented, accepts to invert the parameters. This is both implode($array, '') how much implode('', $array) work, just like using the implode($array) in this case.


Other option - no delimiter required


$meuArray = array( 1, 2, 3 );
foreach( $meuArray  as  $valor ) {
    $result .= $valor;
echo $result; // 123


$meuArray =  [1, 2, 3];
foreach( $meuArray  as  $valor ) {
    $result .= $valor;
echo $result; 

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