How to check if it already exists in the database and update


Viewed 680 times


Well, I’m trying to update and check if what I’m updating already exists, I can check if it exists, but there’s a problem, as I’m updating a data, it will always exist, if I take the function that checks if it exists, the user can update the record and end up leaving 2 equal data. Have some correct way that allows you to check the data in the database and update?

Function to check if it already exists

    public function existsFunction($name){
            $command = ("SELECT * FROM function
                                WHERE function_nm = '$name'");
            $num_rows = $this->mysqli->query($command)->num_rows;
            if($num_rows < 1){
                return false;
                return true;
        }catch(Exception $err){
            echo 'Erro: ', $err->getMessage();

Function to update

    public function editFunction($id, $name, $access, $comment){
                return "already_exists";
                $command = ("UPDATE function
                                SET function_nm = '$name',
                                    access_cd = '$access',
                                    function_ds = '$comment'
                                        WHERE function_id = '$id'");
                $query = $this->mysqli->query($command);
                    return "error";
                    return "success";
        }catch(Exception $err){
            echo 'Erro: ', $err->getMessage();
  • The statement UPDATE does not insert anything in the database, only updates an existing record, so there is no possibility of ending up with 2 equal data. Who puts record in the database is the INSERT declaration. The way you did if it exists will never be updated. You have to reverse if($this->existsFunction($name)){ UPDATE else return "already_exists"

  • In fact, it would suffice only the part that is inside the function update Else (UPDATE) without the need of functions.

1 answer


What you can do is: On condition of existence, check if there is and if is different from the Id being updated, for example:

public function existsFunction($name,$id){
        $command = ("SELECT * FROM function
                            WHERE function_nm = '$name' AND function_id <> '$id'");
        $num_rows = $this->mysqli->query($command)->num_rows;
        if($num_rows < 1){
            return false;
            return true;
    }catch(Exception $err){
        echo 'Erro: ', $err->getMessage();

This way, when checking the existence, pass the id as parameter as well:

public function editFunction($id, $name, $access, $comment){
                return "already_exists";
                $command = ("UPDATE function
                                SET function_nm = '$name',
                                    access_cd = '$access',
                                    function_ds = '$comment'
                                        WHERE function_id = '$id'");
                $query = $this->mysqli->query($command);
                    return "error";
                    return "success";
        }catch(Exception $err){
            echo 'Erro: ', $err->getMessage();
  • Perfect! It’s working properly the same way I wish it was. The only thing I changed was the function parameter, I left $id = NULL and in the function checking whether it received the variable or not. Thank you for your reply!

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