Link in tolls


Viewed 24 times


I’m taking texts from my database, I wanted to know, if there is a link inside this text, how do I make it appear as a normal link for everyone?

  • There are two questions: "I wanted to know, if there is a link inside this text" Can’t you see? Second: "how do I make it appear as a normal link" To know if there is a link. Just view the text. The link within an X text can come in the following ways: http://www or <a href="http://". Would that be more or less what you want? Are there html tags? If yes, edit your question and enter the text/code blocks.

1 answer


Basically you will need to replace

Regular expression


Implementation in PHP

$texto = "Oi, sou Mauro, costumo acessar vários sites como";

$texto = preg_replace(
    "<a href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $texto

echo $texto;

See in operation:


If you don’t want to reinvent the wheel, there are some libs who do this work for you, these are the ones I use/used and recommend.


Jasny - Gist

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