Websocket on localhost does not establish connection


Viewed 958 times


I’m testing WebSocket turning at the door 80, I’ve already disabled the SSL, but I’m not getting results...


 var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:80/socket2.php');

An example I have seen, tested and successfully returns was using wss://echo.websocket.org. So I guess the mistake is around here somewhere. The return of the browser is always the same:

Firefox was unable to establish a connection to the Ws:/localhost/socket2.php server

The headers as in the example:


header("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols");

header("Upgrade: websocket");
header("Connection: Upgrade");
header("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=");

On the console the Websocket request returns 101 / websocket / 0B

NOTE: Use Apache, everything is as before.

2 answers


Socket is a request that is always open. You need an application running on the other side. PHP is an application that has "start-middle-end". From what you’ve shown you’re trying to connect to the socket by making a PHP call, which you’re instructed to do exactly: Send headers and close.

I strongly recommend not using PHP on the server for sockets. PHP was not made for this. For this specific issue Node would bring you higher performance and lower resource consumption.


The server has to stay on a port other than apache, by default it comes on 80, if your apache is on 80, change the server port to another, 8080 for example so there is no conflict, I think this should work.

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