Hello! I am testing a PHP(7.2.1) system that uses the Yii2 framework, and for that, by default I am using codeception.
When writing functional tests, several methods are not working as expected. Among them the see() method that should look for a text passed as parameter, on the specified page. In my case the see() method performs the search only in the side menu of the application and not in the page as a whole.
I would like help to try to solve this error, I already searched the framework documentation but could not find anything related to my problem.
Following the functional test code I wrote and the error displayed on the console.
Test class:
use app\models\Usuario;
class FirstTryLoginCest
public function _before(\FunctionalTester $I)
public function submitFormSuccessfully(\FunctionalTester $I)
$I->submitForm('#login-form', [
'#usuario-username' => 'Fulano',
'#usuario-password' => '12345678'
public function internalLoginByInstance(\FunctionalTester $I)
$admin = \app\models\Usuario::findOne(33);
Error displayed on console:
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.4.1
Powered by PHPUnit 7.1.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Functional Tests (2) --------------------------------------------------
✖ FirstTryLoginCest: Submit form successfully (0.14s)
✖ FirstTryLoginCest: Internal login by instance (0.07s)
Unit Tests (0) --------------------------------------------------------
Time: 464 ms, Memory: 16.00MB
There were 2 failures:
1) FirstTryLoginCest: Submit form successfully
Test tests/functional/FirstTryLoginCest.php:submitFormSuccessfully
Step See "Mural"
Fail Failed asserting that on page /index-test.php?r=site%2Flogin
--> Username cannot be blank. Password cannot be blank. Lembrar no
próximo acesso Entrar Esqueci minha senha Copyright © 2018 Nome da
--> contains "Mural".
Scenario Steps:
3. $I->see("Mural") at tests/functional/FirstTryLoginCest.php:19
2. $I->submitForm("#login-form",{"#usuario-
username":"Fulano","#usuario-password":"12345678"}) at
1. $I->amOnRoute("site/login") at
2) FirstTryLoginCest: Internal login by instance
Test tests/functional/FirstTryLoginCest.php:internalLoginByInstance
Step See "Fulano"
Fail Failed asserting that on page /gestor/mural
--> Toggle navigation Fulano Fulano Fulaninho Administrador
Perfil Sair Fulano Gii Debug Same tools Gii Debug Level One Level Two
Level Two Level Three Level Three Nome da empresa © 2018 Nome da
empresa Software Versão 9.0 β string(1) "0"
--> contains "Fulano".
Scenario Steps:
4. $I->see("Fulano") at tests/functional/FirstTryLoginCest.php:29
3. $I->amOnPage("gestor/mural") at
Thank you in advance!
Yes, I am doing this because successively I want to test other more complex features. By default comes functional login tests.
– G.Batt.