Place ID in foreign key table


Viewed 62 times


'Cause I can’t get the ID on my table foreign key last_insert_id() returning "0"

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$sql="insert into pessoa (nome,cpf,dataNascimento) value ('$nome','$cpf','$dataNascimento')";

$sqlconta="insert into conta (idPessoa,saldo,limiteSaqueDiario,flag,tipoConta,dataCriacao) value (last_insert_id(),'$saldo','$limiteSaqueDiario','$flag','$tipoConta','$dataCriacao')";

  • Remembering that the functions mysql are obsolete

  • Easy, your SQL is giving error when inserting pessoa and so there is no ID to insert into conta ;)

  • I have 2 tables an account and another person I want to put the idpessoa in my table account I already made the key but it is not inserting when I put the function last_insert_id() it gives 0 in my table that is found foreign idpessoa in table account

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