UPLOAD files via php and mysql


Viewed 236 times


I am trying to make a database for personal use that is to upload boleto and then voucher, but I do not know what I am doing wrong because in Mysql there is only a binary file and not the photo or pdf I put.

Banco de Dados e Arquivos

And it also follows code

require 'banco.php';
    $vencimento = $_POST['vencimento'];
    $empresa = $_POST['empresa'];
    $produto = $_POST['produto'];
    $descricao = $_POST['descricao'];
    $valor = $_POST['valor'];
    $pagamento = $_POST['pagamento'];
    $banco = $_POST['banco'];

    $arq = $_FILES['arq']['name'];
    $com = $_FILES['comp']['name'];
    $pastaboleto = 'Contas/_images/_boletos/';
    $pastacomp = 'Contas/_images/_comprovantes/';
    $nomeboleto = $pastaboleto . $arq;
    $nomecomprovante = $pastacomp . $com;

    $pdo = Banco::conectar();
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `indececontas` (`vencimento`, `empresa`, `produto`, `descricao`, `valor`, `pagamento`, `banco`, `arquivo`, `comprovante`) VALUES ('$vencimento', '$empresa', '$produto', '$descricao', '$valor', '$pagamento', '$banco', '$arq', '$com')";
    $q = $pdo->prepare($sql);
    $q->execute(array($vencimento,$empresa,$produto,$descricao,$valor, $pagamento, $banco));
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['arq']['tmp_name'], $nomeboleto);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['comp']['tmp_name'], $nomecomprovante);      
    header("Location: index.php");?>

1 answer


First, I recommend saving files with some random suffix hash or prefix from timestamps to avoid overwriting or errors. Second, you may have putting the wrong type in the database column.

  • It is in LONGBLOB. In this case, it stores the file path and not the file. But when inserted in phpmyadmin, it stores in binary. Which type should I use to store files?

  • so LONGBLOB is byte type, you want to save a string, switch to scan. so I recommended for a suffix, not to have overwrite when saving in Fs.

  • I switched and he is still only putting the name of the file... The file itself is not sending.

  • ready, now you should check which are the permissions of the folder in which you want to save.

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