A help with Spring Boot Annotations


Viewed 94 times


A help with Annotations ... Today my tests are like this :

public class MeuTesteA {}

public class MeuTesteB {}

See, I have to repeat many configuration Annotations. To solve, I created an abstract class, getting this way :

public abstract class ConfigTeste {}

And the tests went like this. At this point, it works perfectly!

public class MeuTesteA extends ConfigTeste {}
public class MeuTesteB extends ConfigTeste {}

But still I think it’s better. I wanted something like :

public class MeuTesteA {}

public class MeuTesteA {}

Where my custom @Superconfig Annotation would load all of the above settings. I tried to create "@Superconfig" this way :

public @interface SuperConfig { 


But it didn’t work. Don’t load the settings. Know where the error is ?

PS : The confgurations are these :

@IntegrationTest("{server.port:8000, server.address:localhost}")

I’m using Spring Boot on version 1.3.7.RELEASE

Vlw s

  • Why aren’t you loading the settings? What doesn’t appear to work?

  • I don’t know ! It simply doesn’t load the above settings when I use my custom annotation (The purpose is not to repeat code).

  • I didn’t quite understand, but I think it would be possible to parameterize a Config annotation with the other fields for example a, b,c,d. So you’d only add one note

  • Opa Weslley Barbosa blz, so they are not different fields but different settings/annotations (the ones I put at the end of the question) . I wanted to group them all into one custom note instead of extending a class as I mentioned above. ?

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