java.lang.Outofmemoryerror: Java heap space (even with memory boost)


Viewed 584 times


My code has this bug. But I’ve tried:

  1. Increase memory in VM settings:

# custom Intellij IDEA VM options

-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:Reservedcodecachesize=480m -XX:+Useconcmarksweepgc -XX:Softreflrupolicymspermb=50 -ea -XX:+Heapdumponoutofmemoryerror -XX:-Omitstacktraceinfastthrow

The method in which this burst happens is this:

public List<SearchByCity> getSearchesByCity(){
    List<SearchByCity> searches = new ArrayList<>();
    Arrays.asList(Estado.values()).forEach(uf -> {
        System.out.println(String.format("COLETANDO CIDADES EM %s", uf.getNome().toUpperCase()));
        try {
            List<String> cityNames = new ArrayList<>();
            HtmlPage page = WebClientFactory.getInstance().getPage(String.format(SEARCH_CITIES_URL, uf.toString().toLowerCase()));
                    .map(anc -> anc.getAttribute("title")).collect(Collectors.toList())).orElse(null));
            final JsonResponseByCity[] jsonResponseByCity = {null};
                cityNames.forEach(city -> {
                    String cityName = removeAccents(city.replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase().replaceAll("'", ""));
                    String url = String.format(SEARCH_BY_CITY_URL, uf.getNome(), cargoPolitico.getDescription(), cityName, uf.toString().toLowerCase(), cityName, cargoPolitico.getDescription());
                    try {
                        jsonResponseByCity[0] = ObjectMapperFactory.getInstance().readValue(WebClientFactory.getInstance().getPage(url).getWebResponse().getContentAsString(), JsonResponseByCity.class);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
                    searches.add(new SearchByCity(uf.getNome().toUpperCase(), cityName, cargoPolitico, jsonResponseByCity[0]));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
    if(searches.size() > 0)
        return searches;
    return null;

The overflow happens on the line of value assignment to the jsonResponseByCity[0].

java.lang.Outofmemoryerror: Java heap space

at java.util.Arrays.copyOf( at java.lang.Abstractstringbuilder.ensureCapacityInternal( at java.lang.Abstractstringbuilder.append( at java.lang.Stringbuilder.append( at at at at at at at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebResponse.getContentAsString( at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebResponse.getContentAsString( at$null$2(

  • 2

    I will not try to analyze the code, because it may be even elsewhere, but fix the programming error. The problem is not the size of the heap.

  • I’ve already reviewed the code, but the way I see it, there’s no programming error. From what I understand json is assigned to only one location in memory, since I am defining its position. Is that it? I don’t understand this error

  • 1

    If we’re talking about json interpretation and it’s a memory problem, without looking at your code (which I haven’t looked at), I’d start by seeing if there are no circular references in your json and/or interpretation of it. This could be a reason to loop around creating objects endlessly.

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