Appear two decimal places


Viewed 1,168 times


In this code I have, when value reaches 200.00... it shows 200, when it has decimal places, it shows decimal places... 200.55 = 200.55

However, I need him to show both decimals even if it’s "10.00", "00" after the point...

another thing is that I need to appear "," from time to time on the website print

I thought I’d put it, but I don’t know where I’d put it...

            total = parseFloat(total.toFixed(2));

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('select[name="service[]"]').change(function() {

        let selects = jQuery("select[name=\"service[]\"]");
        let total = 0;
        /* Percorre todos os select */
        $(selects).map(function(i, e) {
          let values = $(e).find(":selected");

          /* Percorre todos os valores selecionados */
          $(values).map(function(k, j) {
            total += parseFloat( $(j).data('price').replace(",", ".") );



  • 1

    You were able to resolve the issue that you abandoned?

2 answers


Converting an integer to 2 decimal places.

var x = '146870';

    function format(num){
        return (num / 100).toFixed(2);


Exit will be 1468.70


Try this way:

 var total = 200;
 console.log(total.toFixed(2).replace(".", ","));

Edit. I added an example to better illustrate.

    $('#conversao').text(parseFloat($('#numero').val()).toFixed(2).replace(".", ","));
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" id="numero"/>

<p id="conversao"></p>

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