Phpmail does not receive content within variable


Viewed 21 times


I have a form that should send an email, I created a file called email php. to create this function.


$nome = $_REQUEST['name'];
$fone = $_REQUEST['phone'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$para = "[email protected]";
$assunto = "Contato pelo site";

	if ($url == "MEULINK/administracao.html") {
		$curso = "Administração";
	} elseif ($url == "MEULINK/ciencias-contabeis.html") {
		$curso = "Ciências Contábeis";
	} elseif ($url == "MEU LINK/landing-page/neurociencia.html") {
		$curso = "Neurociência";

	$corpo = "<html><b>Contato pelo site</b><br><br>
	<b>Curso: </b> $curso<br>
	<b>Nome: </b> $nome<br>
	<b>Telefone: </b> $fone</br>
	<b>Email: </b> $email </html>"

	$header = "Content-Type: text/html; charset= utf-8";
	$header .= "From: $email Reply-to: $email";

mail($para, $assunto, $corpo, $header);


In the case, the $course works only for the first condition. If the link is /science-contabeis.html it does not receive what is within $course

  • My advice is that you do not use string comparisons because the old false/positive is possible. Include in html an Hidden field and create a logic to pass it in your form containing a course id. so I think it will be better to manage. Another tip is you put a var_dump before ifs to scan what is coming

  • @Israelzebulon has any tips how to do? I did not understand the false or positive.

  • False positive comparisons with string can say that it does not exist because some character has been misinterpreted. For now do a vardump before the isfs and test the three cases see what’s coming in the variable.

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