Register incoming api data with php


Viewed 167 times


I’m having trouble saving data received by an api in the database with php, always returns me the error: Error when trying to register record!

I already checked the data being entered with print_r($sql) and this is all ok. I don’t know what else to do.

Javascript no index:

$(function() {
                headers: {
                    'user_token': 'aqui_vai_o_meu_token',
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: "json",
                url: '',
                data: {
                    'praca': 'JAU',
                    'data_ini': '2018-05-10',
                    'data_fim': '2018-05-20'
                success: function(response) {
                    const filmes =[0].filmes;

                    if(response.status == "Success") {
                        $(filmes).each( function (i, el){

                            const filme = el.filme;

                            $.post("salvar.php", {

                                titulo: filme.titulo,
                                cartaz: filme.cartaz,
                                sinopse: filme.sinopse,
                                genero: filme.genero

                            }, function(titulo){

                    else {
            }).fail(error => {

save php.:



$titulo = $_POST['titulo'];
$cartaz = $_POST['cartaz'];
$sinopse = $_POST['sinopse'];
$genero = $_POST['genero'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO filme (TITULO', 'CARTAZ', 'SINOPSE', 'GENERO') values ($titulo, $cartaz, $sinopse, $genero)";

mysqli_query($conect, $sql) or die("Erro ao tentar cadastrar registro");

$response = array("success" => true);

echo json_encode($response);

php connection.:


    //conexão com o servidor
    $conect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "teste");

    // Caso a conexão seja reprovada, exibe na tela uma mensagem de erro
    if (!$conect) die (
        "<h1>Falha na conexão com o Banco de Dados!</h1>"

1 answer


Your problem is here:

$sql = "INSERT INTO filme (TITULO', 'CARTAZ', 'SINOPSE', 'GENERO') values ($titulo, $cartaz, $sinopse, $genero)";

1 - The field TITULO is spelled TITLE' with only one quote. This generates a syntax error.

2- The values that are probably in CHAR or VARCHAR are WITHOUT single quotes.

Right would be something like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO filme (`TITULO`, `CARTAZ`, `SINOPSE`, `GENERO`) values ('$titulo', '$cartaz', '$sinopse', '$genero')";

The print_r($sql) will not show error.

  • Can solve just by putting the call like this: "INSERT INTO film (TITLE, POSTER, SYNOPSIS, GENERO) values ('". $title." ', "'. $poster'". '". $synopsis." ', "'. $genero."')";

  • @So does Igorfaria. But my answer is correct?

  • If she’s solved your problem, please approve. This helps the community and gives a gas to other people to be interested in answering their next questions, if any. Hug!

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