p:summaryRow does not work with p:Columns


Viewed 49 times


I have a JSF page with a p:columns to show data analytically and a p:summaryRow to display the summary.

Turns out inside of mine p:summaryRow, I have a p:columns, because I can’t predict how many results I’ll get, so I need to use dynamic columns.

But when I upload the page, this p:columns is not shown. In fact, the method from which I pick up the data in the Bean is never called.

<p:dataTable value="#{storeBean.segmentsByStore}" var="segmentsByStore"
    <p:column colspan="3" style="text-align: right">
        <h:outputText value="TOTAL OF #{segmentsByStore.segment}"/>
    <p:columns value="#{storeBean.totalStoreSaleDates}" var="saleDate">
            <f:convertNumber type="currency"/>
  • The method not called is storeBean.segmentsByStore ?

  • Is the storeBean.totalStoreSaleDates and the storeBean.totalStoreSales. What is inside the p:columns.

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