Apache Tomcat mirroring - Work


Viewed 61 times


Explanation : Currently when we update our client’s project it is "off the air" during this update, the idea is to be able to update the project without having to stop the client, I saw something related to Tomcat’s WORK but nothing very explanatory, some functional examples with JBOSS however we will not use this type of container, need a help or a way to make it work in Apache Tomcat 8.5 or higher.

In some researches I saw that I had settings in which the project had its faithful copy in the work and when I had the change in the main it just rewrote the work but everything worked there.

1 answer


Maybe what you need is Parallel Deployment tomcat’s.

The principle is basically deploy versions of your application, e.g.:

  • system##001.War
  • system##002.War

Once this is done, your user will continue to access through the default url:


And Tomcat will take the trouble to direct you to the newest version.

The cat jump is that users who are using the system will not even know what happened until they access the system again.

See more:


https://imasters.com.br/tecnologia/redes-e-servidores/conheca-o-zero-downtime-deploy-com-tomcat/? trace=1519021197&source=single

  • I like the idea, has how to work without the . War ? direct application folder.

  • The . War is the package generated for the deploy. But you can manually deploy by defaulting to project##001 or project##1.2.3.

  • Thank you young man, I will apply in the application.

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