How to "concatenate" multiple values entered by a user in the table in an Msg box?


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I’ll try to summarize what I’m trying to do:

I made a userform so that my user inserts data that will feed a table, he can put "n" information and the table will form according to the volume of data he fills.

After that, when it finishes and click on END, I want another userform to open on the screen with a sentence concatenating the data that was entered, following a predetermined logic.

For example, after the inputs the spreadsheet looked like this:

What I want is for my next userform to bring the following concatenated:

'Test' -x "1111|2|66","2222|2|77","3333|3,88","4444|3|99" -n

The terms I need to add with & I can, but I don’t know how to concatenate in this way the values of each column following the sequence and stopping to the point where there is no more information in the spreadsheet.

Another detail would be to have this separation by , between each concatenated

The section where I want to put the command to concatenate this is here:

Private Sub sair_click()
    Dim parse As String
    parse = "concatenado"
    Unload Me
    code.console = parse
End Sub

(after it clicks on the END button "exit" opens my userform "code" with the variable "parse" that should have this result concatenated.

After using the presented solution I replaced the "sub Showwithmessage" for the call of my last Userform, as it met the required demand (it is expected that my user can copy the result to paste elsewhere). Maybe it’s some mistake I made, to illustrate it better, the expected sequence is as follows:

1º Userform: The user inserts the title, after clicking enter, another userform opens;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2º Userform: The user inserts the three information needed to fill the table columns as many times as needed (Clicking Enter after each fill). At the end of it click on END which brings the last Userform with a text box containing the concatenated result.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In this example I simulated the case where only one line was inserted by the user.

|   |        A         |       B        |     C     |
| 1 | Nome da Planilha | Teste'         |           |
| 2 | Node da Aula     | Tipo da Tarefa | Agrupador |
| 3 | "1111|           | 2|             | 66"       |
|   |                  |                |           |

3º Userform: As said above, the final result of inserting only one complete row in the table was this way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The script of the "END" button is as follows, using the solution proposed in this topic:

    Private Sub sair_click()
        Dim parse As String
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim UltimaLinhaPlanilha As Long, Linhas As Long, Colunas As Long
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ADAE")
        UltimaLinhaPlanilha = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        parse = ws.Range("B1") & " -x "

        For Linhas = 3 To UltimaLinhaPlanilha
            For Colunas = 1 To 3
                parse = parse & ws.Cells(Linhas, Colunas)
            Next Colunas
            If Linhas <> UltimaLinhaPlanilha Then parse = parse & ","
        Next Linhas
        parse = parse & " -n"
        Unload Me
        code.console = parse 'Aqui eu chamo o ultimo userform "code" com o que estará escrito dentro da caixa de texto "console" no caso a variável "parse"
    End Sub

1 answer



From what I understand you will have two forms Userform1 and the Userform2

  • In Userform1 there is a button that you click to exit.
  • In Userform2 the message will be displayed.

Therefore, for the tests, the following forms are created:

Userform1 has the name button CommandButton1:


Userform2 has a Name Label Label1:



With the data in the worksheet (tab) name Planilha1 in this way:

|   |        A         |       B        |     C     |
| 1 | Nome da Planilha | Teste'         |           |
| 2 | Node da Aula     | Tipo da Tarefa | Agrupador |
| 3 | "1111|           | 2|             | 66"       |
| 4 | "2222|           | 2|             | 77"       |
| 5 | "3333|           | 3|             | 88"       |
| 6 | "4444|           | 3|             | 99"       |
|   |                  |                |           |


Another form will be used to display the data, because Msgbox has a limit of at most 1024 characters. And the OP requested per form:

What I want is for my next userform to bring the following concatenated:

The code to accomplish this is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim parse As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim UltimaLinhaPlanilha As Long, Linhas As Long, Colunas As Long
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Planilha1")
    UltimaLinhaPlanilha = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    parse = ws.Range("B1") & " -x "

    For Linhas = 3 To UltimaLinhaPlanilha
        For Colunas = 1 To 3
            parse = parse & ws.Cells(Linhas, Colunas)
        Next Colunas
        If Linhas <> UltimaLinhaPlanilha Then parse = parse & ","
    Next Linhas
    parse = parse & " -n"
    ShowWithMessage parse
    Unload Me
End Sub

Public Sub ShowWithMessage(msg As String)
    UserForm2.Label1.Caption = msg
End Sub

The code is inserted inside Userform1.




After clicking the button the code inside Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() is executed. Where the string parse is created and the message is called with the Public Sub ShowWithMessage(msg As String)

Spreadsheet Statement

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Planilha1")

Last Line

The last line of the spreadsheet is found with UltimaLinhaPlanilha = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count and more information can be found in this question


The parse string is created with the following concatenation:

  • Title is inserted with parse = ws.Range("B1") & " -x "
  • Then loops are made from Line 3 to the last line filled in the spreadsheet. In each row the loop from column 1 or A to column 3 or C, after the loop in all columns, the comma is inserted. Each loop inserts the sheet data into the parse string.
  • Finally insert the " -n"

Call Sub

Finally the Sub is called with ShowWithMessage parse, where the parse variable is inserted as an input variable of type String.

Sub Showwithmessage

First sets the Caption property with the string inserted with UserForm2.Label1.Caption = msg and then opens Userform2.

  • It worked, great explanation! I appreciate the care in the work of detailing the explanation.

  • After more tests, I came up with one more question. It worked normal for more than 3 filled lines. But 2 or 1 line only, the comma appears as well. For example: Test' -x "1111|2|66",, -n OU Test' -x "1111|2|66","2222|2|77", -n

  • For me this error did not occur, you have more data in other columns of this tab/sheet?

  • I edited my post with the details of what I modified and how is the complete cycle of my project to better illustrate the problem

  • @Felipestenzel I performed the tests and it is working in mine, maybe the last line of the spreadsheet is not line 3, because there is more information in other columns. So instead of getting the last row of the sheet, try to get the last row of column A with: UltimaLinhaPlanilha= ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row. For it seems that there is some value in line 5 and this causes the loop to be performed up to the 5, even when it is to go up to 3 or 4.

  • Now it worked perfectly, I think it should be the macro button I put to start the process, but with this new command worked, thanks again for the help!

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