Check if object arrived by post API


Viewed 465 times


I am making use of the post office API. I was able to track objects perfectly. But there is still an action to complete the ratreamento: check if the object arrived.

My wish was for the API to execute a method of my application and set an attribute to signal that the object has arrived. Does anyone know if the Support Post API for such?

  • That she performs a method of yours, no. Possibly there is a way to check the status of the object, so it would be enough for you to do a process that checks this status and changes the attribute. Making use of CRON would be a good one.

  • Correios does not provide an API for this check, but provides a WS SOAP described in this manual: tracking/manual_trackingobjects.pdf

  • Yes, it is possible to check if a certain arrived using SOAP Post Office, but it is necessary a gambiarra (if you are using the code on the front end), because the browser will block the access due CORS.

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