Variables in App.Vue


Viewed 1,709 times


I have inside the App file.See the client name variable


I’m creating a Function within the.Ve App to fill in the variable

this.$eventHub.$on('mostrarNome', function(value) {
    this.nomeCliente = value;

which is called from inside the.Vue Registry

this.$eventHub.$emit('mostrarNome', 'Teste Cliente') 

My question is whether there is another way to fill this variable without the need to create a function.

  • In this specific case, where you possibly have access to User data, I would use Vuex

1 answer


A way to do, if in case you own a <router-view> in your App.Vue, and the component you are sending the 'Client Test' fill-in event is one level down only, you can create an event that will perform the direct name fill without a function:


  <div id="app">
    <p>--{{ nomeCliente }}--</p>
    <router-view @mostrarNome="nomeCliente = $event"/>

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    nomeCliente: 'Meu nome'


  <div class="formup">
    <h1>Componente interno</h1>
    <form class="createform" @submit.prevent="evento">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-large">

export default {
  name: 'Stackoverflow',
  methods: {
    evento () {
      this.$emit('mostrarNome', 'Teste Cliente')

Detail that the issue of the event can be in any method, watch, etc, and not just with the @submit.

Another way to do it is by using the Vuex. In this case, you probably have a "customer" object, where when filling it you would store it in a Store and its status would be uniform throughout the application. A simple example of a Clientstore would be:


import Vue from '@/bootstrap'

// state
const state = {
  client: {}

// getters
const getters = {
  client: state => state.client

// actions
const actions = {
  getClient: ({ commit, state }) => {
    return Vue.http
      .get('clients/1') // mudaria a requisição para a que você precisa
      .then(({ data }) => commit('setClientData', data))

// mutations
const mutations = {
  setClientData (state, data) {
    state.client = data

export default {

So, with the data in the Store filled in, you would access any location of your application with the this.$store.state.client or this.$store.getters.client or you can perform the client mapping and access with the this.client:


  <div id="app">
    <button type="button" @click="test">Test</button>

import { mapState } from 'vuex'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  computed: mapState({
    client: state => state.ClientStore.client
  methods: {
    test () {

Check out more in the documentation on how to install/configure Vuex, there are several ways, use the one you consider best. If using, use next to Vue Dev Tools, an excellent tool to work with events/store.

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