Doctrine Date Format


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I would like to format a date with Doctrine, often I save a date like datetime in the database but want to perform a search grouping per day without considering minutes and seconds. Does anyone know a cool way to do that ?

  • To do this with common SQL is very easy and with DQL would also be - I believe it is just to do a GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(data, "%Y-%m-%d"). Have you tried?

  • I have tried, as far as I know there is no DATE_FORMAT for Doctrine, I came here hoping to discover some Bundle that has created this DQL function

  • What kind of consultation are you trying to make? Normally we use DQL when we want to translate the resultset of a query into the application entities, but how you want to bring a grouped result (because of the GROUP BY), it would be more interesting to run a native SQL (through Doctrine itself).

  • In fact DQL is a query language for your object model, namely for you not to keep writing table names or have to worry about your data model. The result set is independent of being DQL or SQL, I didn’t want to have to write a native query =(. I was thinking of leaving two fields in my entity a date and another team, but I don’t know if this is valid

  • Actually when you run a DQL, the resultset is an object (or set of objects) of your application. When you run an SQL, the resultset is an array. Personally, I see no problem in using the two techniques, which for me would be more complementary than conflicting. It seems to me that your problem is solved with an SQL even. :)

  • Okay, thank you very much.

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1 answer


Doctrine does not yet have the full range of SQL functions, they are working on it for future versions according to Cookbook. Until then you have to create the missing functions, in my case create the DATE function

namespace ByteinCoffee\ExtraBundle\Doctrine\DQL;

use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker;

 * @author Fábio Lemos Elizandro <[email protected]>
 * DateFunction ::= "DATE" "(" ArithmeticPrimary ")"
 class Date extends FunctionNode

     public $dateExpression = null;

     public function parse(Parser $parser)
         $this->dateExpression = $parser->ArithmeticPrimary();

     public function getSql(SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
         return \sprintf('DATE(%s)', $this->dateExpression->dispatch($sqlWalker));


to register the function



                date: ByteinCoffee\ExtraBundle\Doctrine\DQL\Date

If anyone knows a Bundle who does this leave as well as reply. Thank you

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