Split search term to enlarge results and sort results according to the term


Viewed 34 times


Let’s say I have a table called carros. In this table I have some registered cars. Ex:

ID | Name    
1  | Corsa Amarelo
2  | Camaro 2 Portas Amarelo
3  | Camaro V12 Amarelo
4  | Camaro Esportivo Amarelo
5  | Fusca Amarelo
6  | Camaro Amarelo
7  | Gol Amarelo
8  | Ferrai Vermelha
9  | Ferrari 490 cv vermelha

If I use the following query SELECT * FROM carros WHERE carros_name LIKE %camaro amarelo% I will result in just the following line

6  | Camaro Amarelo

If I just split the search terms like this carros_name LIKE %camaro amarelo% OR carros_name LIKE %camaro% OR carros_name LIKE %amarelo% the result comes all mixed.

But I would like to get as a result everything that has the words of the search term, organizing the results by the term more similar on. Something like:

ID | Name
1  | Camaro Amarelo
4  | Camaro V12 Amarelo
5  | Camaro Esportivo Amarelo
3  | Camaro 2 Portas Amarelo    
2  | Corsa Amarelo
6  | Fusca Amarelo
7  | Gol Amarelo

As you can see in the result above, the result comes with a classification where the term searched appears first, results with all the words of the search in 2 seconds and finally any result that has any word of the term searched.

  • 1

    Note: 'ranking' does not exist, the right term is classificar or ordenar

  • 1

    Use the match ... against (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/fulltext-search.html) instead of like...

  • @Inkeliz this solved! Thank you very much! If you formulate a reply I can vote as the best.

1 answer


Why not use at the end an "ORDER BY carros_name ASC"? So it has returns the result in alphabetical order if and what it wants.

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