menu in Wordpress with 3 levels


Viewed 712 times


I want to build a menu in Wordpress with 3 levels.

This example has 2 levels, the father and the son.

I want the menu to have one more level, so I can create a 3-level menu with Wordpress.

Below, on the left, a code that refers to two menu levels.

Example of the menu in this Link

  $menu_name = 'main_nav';
  $locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
  $menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $locations[ $menu_name ] );
  $menuitems = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu->term_id, array( 'order' => 'DESC' ) );

<ul class="main-nav">
    $count = 0;
    $submenu = false;
    foreach( $menuitems as $item ):
        $link = $item->url;
        $title = $item->title;
        // item does not have a parent so menu_item_parent equals 0 (false)
        if ( !$item->menu_item_parent ):
        // save this id for later comparison with sub-menu items
        $parent_id = $item->ID;

    <li class="item">
        <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="title">
            <?php echo $title; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

        <?php if ( $parent_id == $item->menu_item_parent ): ?>

            <?php if ( !$submenu ): $submenu = true; ?>
            <ul class="sub-menu">
            <?php endif; ?>

                <li class="item">
                    <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="title"><?php echo $title; ?></a>

            <?php if ( $menuitems[ $count + 1 ]->menu_item_parent != $parent_id && $submenu ): ?>
            <?php $submenu = false; endif; ?>

        <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ( $menuitems[ $count + 1 ]->menu_item_parent != $parent_id ): ?>
    <?php $submenu = false; endif; ?>

<?php $count++; endforeach; ?>

  • It would be interesting to put the CSS, although the subject is Wordpress. So can get an answer more easily.

  • So CSS wouldn’t be important, just put the structure in to be able to make a 3-level menu. It can be a simple structure of <ul><li> </li> </ul> . I got a good solution I’ll post here.

  • In case this would be a code to simplify the programming of Wordpress, which to create menus without plugins is very confusing and not from the support for menus of 3 levels. I managed to apply a solution.

  • If anyone has a better solution, please post the reward.

  • The advantage of using the menu this way is that you can use the HTML structure you want. Unlike the function of native Wordpress that often you can not make a mega menu or a menu with more complex programming.

1 answer


Wordpress does not have a simple function ready to create 3-level submenus. But with this class I created it allows you to create a 3 level menu easily.

The class file can be saved as menu.php or the name you want.

Remembering that it will be necessary to change the name of the menu according to the name of your menu used, otherwise you will not be able to fetch the data from the menu.

$menu_name = 'header-menu';

This class will serve as a kind of Wordpress back end to be able to create a menu of 3 levels.

// classe com as variáveis que você quer puxar do back end
class Menu
    public $titulo;
    public $id;
    public $url;
    public $submenu;

$menu_name = 'header-menu';
$locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object($locations[ $menu_name ]);
$menuitems = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu->term_id, array('order' => 'DESC'));
$submenu = false;
$id_anterior = 0;
$set_menu = false;
foreach( $menuitems as $item ):

    //adiciona o menu
    if (!$item->menu_item_parent){
        // o menu precisa ser adicionado depois de setar seus filhos logo 
        //a variavel setmenu vai certificar que você consiga setar os 
        //filhos do menu corretamente
        if ($set_menu == true) { $menus[] = $myMenu;  $set_menu = false;}
        if ($set_menu == false) { $set_menu = true;}

        $myMenu = new Menu();
        $myMenu->titulo = $item->title;
        $myMenu->id = $item->ID;
        $myMenu->url = $item->url;
        //adiciona o submenu
        if ($id_anterior != $item->menu_item_parent) { 
            $mySubmenu = new Menu();
            $mySubmenu->titulo = $item->title;
            $mySubmenu->id = $item->ID;
            $mySubmenu->url = $item->url;
            $myMenu->submenu[] = $mySubmenu; 
        //adiciona o submenu

        //adiciona o subsubmenu
        if ($id_anterior == $item->menu_item_parent) { 
            $mySubSubmenu = new Menu();
            $mySubSubmenu->titulo = $item->title;
            $mySubSubmenu->id = $item->ID;
            $mySubSubmenu->url =  $item->url;
            $mySubmenu->submenu[] = $mySubSubmenu; 
        if ($id_anterior != $item->menu_item_parent){
            $id_anterior = $item->ID; 
        //adiciona o subsubmenu
//necessário para adicionar o último ítem do menu
$menus[] = $myMenu;

How to use code in front end after you have done the class?

First you should give a include or require_once or some similar wordpress template creation function to include the class, in the example I put the require_once();

<?php require_once (TEMPLATEPATH . '/menu.php'); ?>

After the creation of the menu will be easy, you can make any type of menu customized with 3 levels with this class, just apply the logic of the menu, in case I put a simple example using the tags "UL" "LI" and "A"

<?php foreach ($menus as $menu) { ?>
        <a href="<?= $menu->url; ?>">
            <?= $menu->titulo; ?> 

    <!-- se houver submenu -->
    <?php if ($menu->submenu){ ?>
        <?php foreach ($menu->submenu as $submenu) { ?>

                <a href="<?= $submenu->url; ?>">
                    <?= $submenu->titulo; ?> 

            <!-- se for menu de terceiro nível -->
            <?php if ($submenu->submenu){ ?>
                    <?php foreach ($submenu->submenu as $submenu) { ?>
                            <a href="<?= $submenu->url; ?>">
                                <?= $submenu->titulo; ?> 
                    <?php } ?>
            <?php } ?>
            <!-- se for menu de terceiro nível -->  

        <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!-- se houver submenu -->

<?php } ?>


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So when you can work with 3-level menu with Wordpress admin panel and apply in your custom menu easily, as shown in the example.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Whoa, was it a mistake here, did Voce name the menu on WP or the subitens? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C: xampp htdocs Betanovo wp-content themes Betanovo menu.php on line 18

  • Hello, I believe it is because the name of your wordpress menu has to be the same as the variable $menu_name = 'header-menu'; so you need to configure the menu name in WP for it to know which menu it needs to grab, it is giving error on line 18 in for each because it could not fetch the array.

  • I edited the answer, if you still have problems give me a touch ^~

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