How to sort by the smallest number my table with data that comes from an api


Viewed 28 times


How to sort by the smallest number my table with data that comes from an api?

$query = $mysqladv->query("SELECT * FROM advogados_aux WHERE adv_idunico='$idadvun';");
        while($row = $query->fetch_array()){    

    $url = "".$row['adv_cep']."&destinations=".$c_cep."&language=pt&mode=car&key=AIzaSyDL6_dJ-Mbi_03_g6lHhWibxY22Z2UeYZQ";
    $json = file_get_contents($url);
    $json_data = json_decode($json, true);  

    $distancia = $json_data['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['distance']['value']; 
  • ORDER BY ASC or DESC variable at the end of the query does not work? Which variable do you want to sort?

  • I want to order by $distance

  • ORDER BY Distance ASC or DESC does not work?

  • that data is not coming from the database! ai do not know how to do!

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