RAD Studio XE6 does not connect to any database!


Viewed 2,020 times


Program used: RAD Studio XE6 (32bits).

Problem: When creating a new Desktop or Mobile project, when trying to configure the connection to any database, whether by Firedac or dbExpress, the following error occurs:

"DBX Error: Driver could not be properly initialized. Client library may be Missing, not installed properly, of the Wrong version, or the driver may be Missing from the system path."

What would be the solution to this problem?

  • Have you tried looking for the bank access dlls in the installation folder? may be that the path to them is not in the PATH or in the executable directory

  • where I see directories in xe6?

  • they will be in the Lib or Bin of your Delphi installation. Hence they must be in the PATH system variable of your windows or be copied into the bin folder of your project

2 answers


In fact you need to go to the "Firedac Links" component tab, and put the component into your project, corresponding to the bank you are trying to use. For example, I use Postgresql and put next to the connection component the Tfdphyspgdriverlink component of the "Firedac Links" component guide, simple like this.


I had a similar problem while trying to connect with a Postgre database using Firedac on Delphi XE6.

The solution was to return the DLL version "libpq.dll" to

In Firebird connected normally.

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